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Alex Cameron grew up in the small town of Jupiter, Florida, where at a young age he began renting movies from his local library. He would stay up all night watching them, before returning the next day to borrow more. These movies inspired him when times were hard, which led him to pursue a career in filmmaking. Years later, Alex attended the Florida State University College of Motion Picture Arts, where he studied under a prestigious group of professional filmmakers, including Amy Vincent, ASC and Keith Slade. It was during his school years that he fell in love with Cinematography, the ultimate balance of science and art.


Alex moved to Los Angeles this past year, and has been working professionally as a Cinematographer and Camera Assistant. He continues to raise the bar for himself and others, yearning to recreate the stunning images that once captured him as a child. Alex believes in keeping morale high on set and reminding people of the wonder of filmmaking. When things get dicey, Alex can work fast under pressure, delivering an image that is as impressive as his professionalism.


During his free time, Alex can be found hiking the trails of Los Angeles, practicing his photography and looking for his next inspiration.

The Power of Filmmaking

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